Products > Ball Screws
Ball Screws stimulate the straight-line movement of a load and are highly complex assemblies due to their various moving parts. The linear motion is facilitated through the spiral-like movement of a ball bearing along the distance of a winding track on a threaded shaft. This type of cyclic movement reduces friction between the screw and the shaft, allowing for lengthy uninterrupted movement.
For reduced delivery time, Linear Technik stocks standard screw shafts, nuts, and accessories plus most of the standard range of precision rolled Ball Screws. Under certain conditions of quantity and shaft design, we can deliver stock items, with standard machined shaft ends, or shaft ends machined according to customer requirements.
What are Ball Screws Used for?
The purpose of Ball Screws is to transform cyclic movement into linear movement. Thus, Ball Screw assemblies are beneficial in systems that require smooth linear motion, including most heavy industrial machinery, manufacturing, and food processing mechanisms, and systems that require high levels of straight-line precision.
Benefits of Using Ball Screws
There are several advantages to using Ball Screws to assemble mechanisms:
High levels of efficiency
High levels of accuracy and precision
Reduced wear and tear
High levels of rigidity allow for prolonged movement
How to Make the Best Selection
In our range of precision rolled Ball Screws, you can find the product that fits your application requirements:
Miniature Ball Screws (with nominal diameter down to 6 mm, ball recirculation through inserts, or an integrated tube) are compact, highly efficient driving solutions.
Most of the miniature Ball Screw range is also available in stainless steel.
The larger rolled Ball Screws with nominal diameter from 16 to 63mm are available with numerous variations of nut designs, with axial play, backlash elimination, or preload to meet your requirements for simple transport screws, and for precision positioning screws.
For these larger screws, there is a full range of accessories such as optional nut flanges and support bearings for easy system integration.
The high lead rolled Ball Screws assemblies provide ultimate linear speed for specific applications.
We also offer complete solutions of ball screws with rotating nuts for applications with system inertia. Please contact us on 03 9706 7888 for any technical information related to this product range
Rolled Thread
Ground Thread
Refurbishment service
Product Specifications